Mailchimp Designer Templates

Mailchimp Designer Templates

Designer Templates |

It’s hard to get excited about email templates, but this new design for MailChimp, by Veerle Pieters is just fantastic.

A beautiful, touching post about holding on to what is important, and letting the rest just fall away.

I’ve always been a collector. I love photographs. I compulsively capture links to sites I visit, in case they might be lost forever. I fill up my Instapaper account with articles I will never have the time to read. The thought of clicking “Mark all as read” when I am deeply in debt to my RSS reader gives me anxiety. What if I miss something?

So I click, I scroll, I link, I “like”. I skim over an endless sea of other people’s lives, rarely diving deep enough to find the treasure.

We stare into lenses and lie, if only a little, so that the record shows we were there, enjoying or not enjoying ourselves, in precisely the way we’d prefer it.

— Big Contrarian

Interesting redesign at

Interesting redesign at

Pretty bold move for a mainstream new source, in my opinion. First off, the entire article is one one page, as opposed to the multi-paging most news sites use to pump up page views. Big bold headlines, large line height for easy reading, tons of white space. Also, innovative navigation in the right margin, with the little icons that indicate where on the page different features reside.

Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.

— E. L. Doctorow