A set of animated loops made out of wood. Music by Metronomy.
Jim Coudal is a truly inspiring character, with a unique perspective on business and creativity. His company, Coudal Partners, is not only a well respected design agency, but has also developed many successful products and services, most notably The Deck advertising network, as well as Field Notes notebooks. He often stresses the importance of writing, as well as letting go of the fear of failure.
People always ask, “What is your greatest failure?” I always have the same answer – We’re working on it right now, it’s gonna be awesome!
This short film is a collaboration between animator Run Wrake, and Veer, the design resource warehouse. The film has a cool, retro quality, using old halftone images from CSA Images.
PermalinkPermalink…let us remember these sage words of Abraham Lincoln: “It has been my experience that those with no vices have very few virtues.”
John Gruber posits that news organization need to evolve into leaner, more efficient operations where the majority of the staff are actually creating content. Old-school news companies aren’t like that — the editorial staff makes up only a fraction of the total head count at major newspaper and magazine companies. The question these companies should be asking is, “How do we keep reporting and publishing good content?” Instead, though, they’re asking “How do we keep making enough money to support our existing management and advertising divisions?” It’s dinosaurs and mammals.
PermalinkCertainly something I need to work on.
PermalinkA set of animated loops made out of wood. Music by Metronomy.
A nice, clean portfolio for 22 year old designer Tami Churns. Great use of color and typography.
PermalinkConvert is a NYC based Green Roof Service. The site, which showcases some great examples of green roofs, was beautifully designed by Swissmiss and developed by Aldenta.
PermalinkChange is a wave you can ride or drown under, but you can’t just sit on the beach, eating Dippin’ Dots and listening to Skynyrd. That’s not how it works. So, even if you’re mostly secure right now, and even if you’re mostly doing what you like, just think about what a big change would mean and how you’d ride it.
Nice illustration style by Spanish artist and designer Borja Bonaque.